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We carry airbags used in void fill and dunnage applications. Our specialists can identify the application and make recommendations as to the proper size specification and fit to accommodate the loading requirements
Polywoven Airbags

Multi-Layer Plastic Bladder

Bison Bags / Level 1
Paper equivalent (2 ply)
Truck / Container
2-3 psi
Level 2
Paper Equivalent (4 ply)
Truck / Container / Ocean
2-3 psi
Level 3-4
Paper Equivalent (8 ply)
Truck / Rail Car / Ocean
8 psi
Level 5
Rail Shipments exceeding
205,000 lbs
Railcar / Ocean
10 psi

Standard Style Polywoven Airbag

Square Style Polywoven Airbag
Safe Lock Valve
A fast fill type, spring loaded and can be used with all bag types. When inflating, a "Safe Lock Tip" must be used together with an air gun
Jet Flow Valve
Valve is NOT spring loaded, it can only be used on Bison and Level 1 bags. These valves are classified as fast fill type and require a Mini Jet Flow Air Gun to inflate
Combo-Fill Valve
Designed as a combination of Jet-Flow and Safe-Lock valves which have the fast fill advantages of Jet-Flow and the durability of Safe-Lock valves. The valve is spring loaded and can be used for all levels.

Safe Lock Tip
Safe Lock Valve
Jet Flow Valve with Screw Cap

Combo Fill Valve

Use Combo Tip with Mini Jet Flow Gun ------------->

Use Combo Tip with Monster Air Gun --->

Fastest Airgun in the industry
Uses pencil or digital guages
Made of durable plastic
Use with Safe Lock or Combo Valve

Digital Gauge

Smaller design, fits in to tighter voids
Ergonomic Trigger
Made of durable plastic
2 inserts options (high/low pressure)

Pencil Gauge