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Home >  Products >  Food Packaging

We offer food grade packaging solutions to manufacturers and processors of fresh produce, frozen foods, meat and cheese, and fresh vegetables and leakproof flexible bags.



FRESH+ Packaging


Our food grade products are made by a premier manufacturer of flexible food packaging marketed under the name Fresh+ Packaging with 50 years of combined experience

 - Coextruded flexible films 

 - High Impact Printing Capabilities

 - Ultra high leakproof films and pouch containers

 - Superior protection against oxidation

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Produce Bags

Food Grade Films
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Printed Roll Stock

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Clear Films

Fresh Fruit and Produce
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Fresh Fruit Bags

Various seal options

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Resealable Pouches


Stand up pouches have gained popularity as a replacement for many traditional rigid containers. The high impact printing capability increases the marketability of the product and increases shelf appeal.


The use of different multi-layer barrier films offer retort properties that make it a great alternative to cans and bottles. Excellent protection against oxidation to keep the interior atmosphere maintained.


Several options exist both in size and design of container. Various closure and spout options available

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Press n Seal Strips

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Recloseable Spouts

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Various Spout Designs and Locations




3875 NW Lamonta Rd

Prineville, OR 97754


1211 Rankin Rd

Houston, TX 77073



1017 S. 344th St, Suite B

Federal Way, WA 98003

Tool Center

421 C St, Suite 1-B

Washougal, WA 98671

Customer Service 360.949.7175

Pricing - Inquiries

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